Turn your rags into riches!
For my Aesthetics class, we had to take an old item and make it into something new, otherwise known as up-cycling.
I decided to take an old pair of my boyfriend's pants that he ripped and turn them into a high-waisted mini skirt for myself.
First, I cut off the pant legs. Then, I had to sew the ass seam back together because that's what was ripped by my boyfriend's bubble butt. I also had to take in the waist of the pants to fit me. After that, I had to sew the seam together in the front and hem the raw edges from where I cut off the pant legs.
Then, I had a plain mini-skirt, but that wasn't different enough from the original for me.
At that point, I decided to acid-wash my skirt by spraying it with bleach and both sides. It was super easy and I just had to wait for it to dry!
10/10 recommend this up-cycling project!